Liberty Flames 2019 Champions Cure Bowl Shirt
They all have this sameness and are Liberty Flames 2019 Champions Cure Bowl Shirt popular in terms of likes and reaches and taking a picture of a sunset or a tree that you like just turns it flat and bland and dead. We’re only seeing one thing at a time, and we do take it for granted that what we see is what it is. If your fart noise album with only 3 copies sold for a ton of money and if millions of people debated about your fart noises, we may be in a different boat. No matter how stupid we think a piece is, as long as it’s some type of expression to the world, it is defined as art. My mom and I got into a Liberty Flames 2019 Champions Cure Bowl Shirt argument about it lol. She’s saying how it’s not art at all. I was saying it doesn’t matter if you like it or not, it’s still defined as art! The rubric I tend to apply unofficially is the ten-minute test. If I, a person with no skills or former experience, could replicate the installation you put in a gallery in ten minutes or less...