Official Disney Zombies Bamm Shirt
We went back the next morning, and the ranger told us he and other rangers/trackers had kept an eye on the Official Disney Zombies Bamm Shirt! My dog too! I make him face the ‘scary monster’ so he can see there’s nothing to be afraid of. Then when he finally approaches, he’ll sniff n’ pee and go on his way lol he’s a bit of a derpy dog but I love him. My Great Grandpa lost his Yorkie, Cuddles to a coyote. It was his only companion on his large property. Cuddles was a good dog. Cuddles loved cuddles, and I loved Cuddles’s cuddles. They’ll literally pick each other to the bone. Supposedly it’s so predators don’t smell the meat/blood and come kill the brood. The rough part is beating your way through the swarm to try and save the one they’re getting after and put it in an Official Disney Zombies Bamm Shirt. They live in parks, at a few schools, and in the ravines. I mean the raccoons will just crawl into a storm drain to live sometimes. Nature finds away. Official Disney Zombies...