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Modern Art has a definition, per Awesome Vintage I Work With Strippers Shirt, and denotes the styles and philosophy of the art produced during that era. The term is usually associated with art in which the traditions of the. Past have been thrown aside in a spirit of experimentation. I wonder if there was ever a point where pretentious. People just started pulling this shit and getting famous for it. Or if art has always had such a pretentious culture. Art has always been Awesome Vintage I Work With Strippers Shirt by the hyper-rich looking to stroke their own egos. There are like a billion and a half paintings of “Venus” modeled by the mistress of some rich old man who wanted to have. A sexy picture of his young girlfriend to show off while also making it seems. Classier” than the spank material that it totally was, so he commissioned it as a painting of a goddess to make himself feel better. There is nothing more pretentious than thinking that your old-timey sexts are “culture. I...