Official I Was A Redhead Before It Was Cool Shirt
And so sweet. I hope she is happy with buns angels and met yours. Thanks again for an It’s Official I Was A Redhead Before It Was Cool Shirt. She passed away as she lived, happy. I can very much agree with Kyle, because we lost our first bun back in February, so we very much do share your pain. It destroyed us, but having shared the kind of love we did with him gave us reason to continue passing on that love to other buns in need. Harry made us so happy, and now so do Coal and Cameo. We could never and will never forget him and he can never be replaced, but it’s in his memory that we continue to live and love the way we do with our new buns. His legacy with us will now be passed down to them and will forever live on in us. But, most importantly, remember that one day you will see her again, and she will be so happy that she will hop right back into your arms where she belongs. My thoughts and prayers are with you during these hard times, and I am here if you ever need someone to talk to. I had to put down my bunny Lola yesterday. Hopefully, they can hop around in bunny heaven together. I lost my girl last year. They’re probably up in Official I Was A Redhead Before It Was Cool Shirt. I could find of my recently(ish) passed bunny. I just wanted something more tangible than just photos on my phone. Official I Was A Redhead Before It Was Cool Shirt
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I’m dreading the Official I Was A Redhead Before It Was Cool Shirt. Pernille is so beautiful and please know that I will do my part in remembering her. I’ll share her photo w/ my bunnies too! Feel free to reach out if you want to “share your pain” or simply ever just want to talk about Prunille. This community was so great to me when I lost my bun and I’m always willing to pay it forward. Thank you so much for your great comment. She was amazing, so funny because she hated some tiles of my living room and refused to Walk on them in particular, dunno why.

I’m dreading the Official I Was A Redhead Before It Was Cool Shirt. Pernille is so beautiful and please know that I will do my part in remembering her. I’ll share her photo w/ my bunnies too! Feel free to reach out if you want to “share your pain” or simply ever just want to talk about Prunille. This community was so great to me when I lost my bun and I’m always willing to pay it forward. Thank you so much for your great comment. She was amazing, so funny because she hated some tiles of my living room and refused to Walk on them in particular, dunno why.
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