I’m A Grumpy Old U.s. Vietnam Veteran My Level Of Sarcasm Depends On Your Level Of Stupidity Shirt
I saw someone I’m A Grumpy Old U.s. Vietnam Veteran My Level Of Sarcasm Depends On Your Level Of Stupidity Shirt, get exercise, and take vitamins to help fight COVID.” And my response was because that’s basic stuff we should all be doing in the first place and it doesn’t need to repeat. His retort was “so they need to go back to school?” What’s funny is that doctors have been telling us to do those things for years without COVID19 even being a thing. This guy is so dense they use him to catch neutrinos. It does do more to protect others but it does cut back transmission by roughly 50 percent according to the I’m A Grumpy Old U.s. Vietnam Veteran My Level Of Sarcasm Depends On Your Level Of Stupidity Shirt. So you’re not wrong but you are expressing a modicum of self-interest when you wear a mask. You’d think all these selfish fuckers would be all about that. Someone posted a guide about getting pissed on to explain wearing a mask. I go hiking in heavy trump lovin’ backcountry areas and been given dirty looks due to me pulling up my face covering when someone approaches ahead on the trail.
Buy it: I’m A Grumpy Old U.s. Vietnam Veteran My Level Of Sarcasm Depends On Your Level Of Stupidity Shirt

Buy it: I’m A Grumpy Old U.s. Vietnam Veteran My Level Of Sarcasm Depends On Your Level Of Stupidity Shirt

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