Pretty Dad Hit Points Speed Armor Class Initiative Wielding Shirt

This shit right here? Pretty Dad Hit Points Speed Armor Class Initiative Wielding Shirt. If I ever catch my students doing this shit Imma just turns a blind eye. At that point, I think they’ve more than proved they know how to survive in the world. I did the same for my AP chem class. I wrote a simple stoichiometry solver because I kept fucking up when doing shit by hand. I was showing someone in the class and got tattled on. Teacher was cool with it though and offered up some great logic: “If he understands the material enough to program his calculator to do it, that’s a great demonstration of mastery of the subject”. The most useful thing I programmed on mine was a Pretty Dad Hit Points Speed Armor Class Initiative Wielding Shirt. I didn’t actually use it to cheat or anything, but I really didn’t want all my files getting wiped before tests. I did something similar in high school and sold the programs during lunch before the Calculus class. I dropped Calc between semesters, because my math credits were satisfied and I could get early-dismissal, and a number of students’ grades dropped as a result. They wanted me to keep developing programs for them, but I can deal with making a program I’m going to use and then selling it on the side. Development strictly for other people would have cost more than they were willing or able to pay.

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