Top Living Unapologetically Black Shirt
Bought a house, unexpectedly inherited a wild box turtle with a burrow under our patio. Sometimes he lets me sit by him in return for treats. Oh I wish this house came with a turtle to eat snails. Top Living Unapologetically Black Shirt. Instead it just came with snails….loads and loads of snails. I do have possums though! So no ticks or flea issues since moving in. Also owls and bats and frogs….and sneaky sneaks…but in the turtle. I have gazillion slugs and snails— But I also have hedgehogs. When we replaced our front gate, I had it mounted a little higher so they can easily slip underneath. Ohhhh hedgehogs are so cute and instead of playing dead and screaming at you they roll into cuteness. Top Living Unapologetically Black Shirt. Grateful for the possums but not gonna lie envy you. This is my favorite thing ever, I have bought pet turtles and they are amazing and I love them but the idea of a turtle whose natural home turf is also my home turf is happiness squared. Just, a little neighbor who lives under my porch and I have to plant an all turtle patch for it because he was there before I was and with luck he will be there long after I’m gone. They are old and wise. Not changed for millennia they have everything all figured out.
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