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This is the literal definition of straw-manning. You’re attacking a position, that, by your own admission, no one is saying. If you want to critique the Funny Cat Face Mask Wear A Meowsk Vintage Retro Shirt. Exactly what I’m referring to – a bad-faith argument that intentionally distorts the positions of those you don’t agree with. So several things come to mind. One is that this post needs a tl/dr. Two it kinda makes a lot of assumptions. I’m not sure why this sub recently has been inundated with posts about race or Marx instead of matters of the faith and scripture. As a black Christian, that’s what matters to me more than whether or not white Christians in Tennessee have empathy for black political organizations. It’s funny how people complain about a lack of racial diversity or representation, but then. When a Funny Cat Face Mask Wear A Meowsk Vintage Retro Shirt. Marx has come up because it’s become a sort of strawman used against Christians who are concerned about social justice/racism/etc. The race has been coming up a lot because the United States is currently in the. Midst of significant social upheaval regarding racism, and it’s applicable to our faith.
Buy it: Funny Cat Face Mask Wear A Meowsk Vintage Retro Shirt

Buy it: Funny Cat Face Mask Wear A Meowsk Vintage Retro Shirt

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