Funny Did You Touch My Drum Set Vintage Retro Shirt
I used to listen to an excellent podcast with 2 dudes who spoke about spooky shit. So I wish I could remember it cause they really did their research. I just remember them talking about skinwalkers for like 3 days (3 podcasts). And the original story was an older story about a guy on a farm with his family and he encounters. A Funny Did You Touch My Drum Set Vintage Retro Shirt. I remember their website had a purple edge to it with a black background I think. Are you thinking of The Astonishing Legends Podcast? They made three episodes on the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. Either that or The Last Podcast on the Left. I’ve been wanting to listen to them again for ages! Supposedly many of them are former Navajo Shaman, they don’t have to be. But they had to know some dark ritual I think involving killing a close family member, skinning the animal. They wanted to shapeshift into, and Funny Did You Touch My Drum Set Vintage Retro Shirt, though they do have the ability to shapeshift. And even just change their vocal cords to mimic voices of people you even might know. They are often depicted as tall, 10-11ft pale hairless humanoids, with glowing eyes, that can walk on all fours or two feet. They often lure people into seclusion to kill them and may stalk a human for months before trying to do anything to them. More of the cases I’ve heard about is just the ability to shapeshift into what they’ve skinned.
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Buy it: Funny Did You Touch My Drum Set Vintage Retro Shirt

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