Nice This Ain’t No Beer Belly It’s A Fuel Tank For A Fishin’ Machine Shirt
I saw them in Winnipeg way back with my girlfriend-now-fiancé. They were very very entertaining. Legitimately funny and self-aware of their boyband fame. They cracked jokes the whole Nice This Ain’t No Beer Belly It’s A Fuel Tank For A Fishin’ Machine Shirt. Saw them at a festival that had one direction in it. Big venue in SoCal. Let me tell you right now, the older people were magnitudes more amped than the teens were. Definitely a great experience, and I’d love to see them again. Show’s cold opens coming through. I still stand by this as my favorite but I’m enjoying the reminders of other belters. They’re doing really well. I worked security for some of the shows they did in Vegas and they were all singing perfectly and they were in great health. I saw them in Vegas in 2013, and again in Alabama in 2019. To be completely honest, they were way better in the Nice This Ain’t No Beer Belly It’s A Fuel Tank For A Fishin’ Machine Shirt. I’m guessing touring is more fun than the grind of Vegas or something. Shirt whole thing, hilarious, like, he was funnier than most of the stand up I’ve seen. He was kind of adorable as well, he brought up some little kid to sing with him. But his humor wasn’t all PG, he delved into some R rated stuff as well. It really wasn’t what I expected. I would definitely hang out with it.
Buy it: Nice This Ain’t No Beer Belly It’s A Fuel Tank For A Fishin’ Machine Shirt

Buy it: Nice This Ain’t No Beer Belly It’s A Fuel Tank For A Fishin’ Machine Shirt

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