Awesome Hamilton King Awesome Wow Vintage Shirt
I mean at that point it only had a bunch of federation leaders and some sunflowers on it… the Awesome Hamilton King Awesome Wow Vintage Shirt. Oh, and Mace Windu, can’t forget about him. Who knows what his kill count is on his red saber though. Given his penchant for personally going places to kill rebels its probably in the thousands by Rogue One/ A New Hope. The cyber crystal is the “soul” of a lightsaber. It didn’t suit Anakin once he succumbed to the dark side anyway. That’s why Palpatine sent him out to find a red one.I’m gonna be the pedantic nerd that points out this is not the same lightsaber that killed Tusken Raiders. That one was destroyed later on Geonosis. It did nothing in Luke’s hand. I think it chopped off a Awesome Hamilton King Awesome Wow Vintage Shirt. Then he made another one that brought peace to the galaxy. Luke had 3 years of adventures with that saber between Episodes 4 and 5. There are entire novels and comic series about it. Until this clip, I never really recognized the darkness of Luke’s saber. Yeah I knew what Anakin did, and yeah I knew the saber was his, but this clip connected them so directly. A tool of atrocity in the hands of a hero is very interesting. Clone wars is must-watch if you’re a Star Wars fan. People count it out as a kid’s show but it has some seriously dark and heavy themes that any fan can appreciate.
Buy it: Awesome Hamilton King Awesome Wow Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Awesome Hamilton King Awesome Wow Vintage Shirt

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