Awesome I’m His Cupcake Shirt
Fake News was used before the Awesome I’m His Cupcake Shirt 2016 US election to describe false information spreading on social media, disguised as news. E.g. propaganda pieces on Facebook. Then, Fake News was a noteworthy tag to describe incorrect or one-sided information. Now the term is completely flipped, used by politicians and mostly right-wing journalists to describe information that doesn’t support their agenda. Fake News has become a meaningless insult. Last night, a Facebook page for a local parade announced that they would not be holding it this year due to the “environment of hysteria” and “regulatory hoops” put in place by our governor. I would consider that a Awesome I’m His Cupcake Shirt bridge-burning move. At least for a time period until I thought enough staff had rotated out to not be recognized. In California, police would be called and they would actually show up. Dine-and-dash is taken pretty seriously here, much more than shoplifting. It often hurts a small business owner, much more than someone shoplifting from Target or Walmart. Bringing a dog into a restaurant is already gross but that’s absolutely disgusting.
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Buy it: Awesome I’m His Cupcake Shirt

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