Funny Michael Myers Killin It Since 1963 Halloween Vintage Shirt
It’s so weird when I realize other people on Reddit live in my area or at least know it. Being in Utah in a heavily religious/upper-class neighborhood I feel like I’m the only Funny Michael Myers Killin It Since 1963 Halloween Vintage Shirt. Utah hardly ever gets mentioned unless it’s about the LDS church.I’m guessing milk – she says “my daughter” as she grabs it and I immediately thought that is something my 5-year-old would do with a cup. These roads are baffling to a fellow Brit as the road is that smooth the cup stayed on with fluid in it. Not where I live, roads are an absolute disgrace. At least wait until the biker is out of sight before you spill it out. Makes what he did seem trivial and is almost an insult instead of a thank you. It’s honestly such a Reddit thing to get offended by her pouring the drink out. It honestly amazed me your comment had to be written out like that’s just common sense the Funny Michael Myers Killin It Since 1963 Halloween Vintage Shirt. But maintaining throttle, shifting gears, and keeping up with her with no more than one hand at a time on the bars is pretty impressive. The driver should have at least waited until the biker rode off before she spilled his courtesy away.
Buy it: Funny Michael Myers Killin It Since 1963 Halloween Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Funny Michael Myers Killin It Since 1963 Halloween Vintage Shirt

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