Funny Smoke Because 2020 Sucks Shirt
Even then, they don’t own the water. Only to the Funny Smoke Because 2020 Sucks Shirt. Here in Shelburne Vermont, there used to be a nude beach at the point. Then it all got subdivided, and mansions were built on them. People were still pulling their boats up and getting bareass on the beach. One owner called the cops claiming that he owned the beach and they showed up and showed him where the high water mark was and told him that that is where his property ends. And if someone gets there by boat they have every right to use that shoreline. At least in Vermont, that’s how it works, not sure about other states. I believe most states are that way. And even for rivers/streams along private property not classified as navigable waterways people are allowed to paddle/boat on them as long as they don’t go out onto the banks onto the Funny Smoke Because 2020 Sucks Shirt. That’s definitely the issue in the west, that many streams are fenced over even though people have a right to access that waterbody. That’s been in the news some in New Mexico where I’m more familiar, some ranchers and landowners have obtained conservation easements to apparently protect the stream reaches they have restored but it also blocks access for the public and is therefore somewhat controversial. See this article that’s pretty interesting.
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