Pretty I’m Offended That You’re Offended Shirt
My first boss in America, I was 21. He was Asian-American. I had never seen the Pretty I’m Offended That You’re Offended Shirt of telling me what to do. He always offered some.Fired a coworker for screaming some racist stuff at me by just..yanking her out the door. Called another coworker a cub or a baby lion because she was tiny with wild unruly hair. Would do a small mini roar whenever she was about to report for her shift or when I mentioned her name. Ran around the place with a wig on his head imitating me. Started a small chicken farm in the back of the building and would give out whole chickens to the staff. Had me and a Pretty I’m Offended That You’re Offended Shirt. I couldn’t and nicked it just a little bit and shrieked, spraying all three of us with blood. Received a visit from the city people to tell him he couldn’t keep chickens in the back. He was rounding the main floor with a small basket of freshly laid eggs just as they were asking for him. Did the chicken farm again the next summer, this time with a small garden growing squash, cucumber, corn, etc to disguise the chicken coop. Happily gave out vegetables along with the chicken.
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Buy it: Pretty I’m Offended That You’re Offended Shirt

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